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Here is an extract of Jesus Monotheism: Volume 1, including the Table of Contents.

About the Author

CrispinDordogneCroppedCrispin Fletcher-Louis (D.Phil, Oxford) is a Visiting Fellow at the University of Gloucestershire, UK, and the Director of Whymanity Research and Training. He has held posts at King’s College London, and the universities of Durham and Nottingham. He was the founder of Westminster Theological Centre, where he served as the Principal until 2012.

Jesus Monotheism: Volume 1 Product details

  • Formats: PDF, EPub and MOBI (all available with one purchase)
  • File Size: PDF: 2.7 MB; EPub: 1 MB; MOBI: 1 MB
  • Print Length (PDF): 388 Pages
  • Published: August 2015
  • Digital Edition Publisher: Whymanity Publishing
  • Digital ISBN-13: 9780993317200
  • Paperback Publisher: Wipf & Stock (
  • Paperback ISBN-13: 9781620328897

Jesus Monotheism: A Summary of the Argument Product details

  • Formats: PDF, EPub and MOBI (all available with one purchase)
  • File Size: PDF: 1.1 MB; EPub: 1.6 MB; MOBI: 274 KB
  • Print Length (PDF): 145 Pages
  • Published: February 2016
  • Digital Edition Publisher: Whymanity Publishing
  • Digital ISBN-13: 978-0-9933172-1-7
  • Paperback: not currently available

Peer Review Endorsements

Very stimulating and convincing.” Prof. Joshua Jipp, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

“This book reflects impressive acquaintance with a large body of primary data and a wide swath of scholarly literature and prolonged and energetic engagement with the issues discussed. … The book is also the first installment on a remarkable big-idea project … [that] deserves (and will require) careful study and will surely create interest in the projected volumes in which Fletcher-Louis will explicate fully his own “new paradigm” of how the remarkable devotion to Jesus reflected in the New Testament first emerged.”

Prof. Larry H. Hurtado, University of Edinburgh (Review of Biblical Literature 19th August, 2016)

“Volume one of Jesus Monotheism begins a massively ambitious and learned project. Crispin is a trailblazing voice arguing that the historical Jesus believed himself to be uniquely included within the identity of the one God. It is time that this thesis be once again entertained”

Dr Chris Tilling, St Mellitus College (British New Testament Conference 2016, panel review of Jesus Monotheism, Volume 1.

Future Publications

Coming soon:

C. Fletcher-Louis, Jesus Monotheism. Volume 2. Philippians, the Synoptics and Questions in need of an Answer (Eugene Or./Toddington: Wipf & Stock/Whymanity) .

C. Fletcher-Louis, Collected Works. Volume 1: The Image-Idol of God, the Priesthood, Apocalyptic and Jewish Mysticism Eugene, Or/Toddington: Wipf & Stock/Whymanity Publishing.

C. Fletcher-Louis, Equal with God: Jesus’ Divine Identity, the High Priesthood, and the Greco-Roman Ruler Cult, in John 5 Eugene, Or/Toddington: Wipf & Stock/Whymanity Publishing.

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